Thursday, January 14, 2010

Shop till you drop! How the average woman burns 48,000 calories a year

Workout: The average woman burns off almost 48,000 calories each year by shopping - the equivalent of 25 days' worth of her daily calorie intake

The average woman burns off 48,000 calories a year - just by walking around the shops.

A study, published today, revealed that women make up to 132 shopping trips each year - an annual total of 159 hours and 56 minutes walking at a fast pace.

The researchers found that shoppers will burn approximately five calories a minute - a total of 47,700 calories over a 12-month period. That's the equivalent of 25 days worth of women's recommended daily intake of 1,940 calories.

The poll of 3,000 women was conducted by Skinny Cow low fat iced desserts. A spokeswoman said: 'With the festive celebrations well and truly over, women across the country are now looking for the perfect fitness regime for the New Year.

'Women love to shop, so what better way to get into shape than to exercise at the January sales.

'If women planned to spend two hours at the shops, rather than the average one hour, they could double their calories burned each month to a staggering 8,000 - just through shopping.'

The poll that found women make 11 trips to the shops per month. Two are to buy clothes on the High Street; five are to buy food and four are to the local corner shop.

Two thirds of women said they rarely ambled around the shops, preferring to walk briskly to get everything done as quickly as possible.

Almost seven in ten admitted feeling completely exhausted after a shopping trip and six in ten described shopping as a great form of exercise.

The research also showed that women exercise just four times a month, favouring the gym, swimming or playing team sports.

Each session lasted just 52 minutes on average, which means girls are only exercising for three and a half hours a month.

Tellingly, 52 per cent of women said they felt more tired after a shopping trip than a visit to the gym.

source: dailymail


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