Thursday, January 21, 2010

Flash from the past. Hair History. BLONDE, REDHEAD, BRUNETTE. (Pic Heavy)

Doing a hair history was a popular request that I never got around to because I would have to dig through cds and find old pictures.. and I figured it would take a lot of time. Well, all I was going to do was post a picture of me with blonde hair to show what it looked like.. and I figured.. heck. Let me just do my whole history.

So this is my story. A couple of years ago I had a full head of blonde highlights. When I would go for a touch up, they would add more.. so I had a ton of blonde in my hair. At the time, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to go completely blonde since the majority of my hair was already blonde. They ended up using a highlighting cap. Which was a little odd to me.. I don't know why they didn't use foil so they can just grab the darker hair. And 2nd, it was odd because I was dying my hair one color. But what do I know, I'm not a professional. But, they used foil and pulled hair out of every one of the holes until they had just about all of my hair. I had no idea what they did, all I know was they were bleaching it and put me under the drier and when it was time to get the cap off my head, they couldn't. All of my hair was in knots and they had to cut it out of my hair. My hair was the consistency of straw. This got me extremely nervous. But they didn't seem too worried so I tried to stay at ease. They put more junk in my hair and I went back under the drier. Then, my hair was orange and they washed my hair and put a toner in my hair.. and let it sit for around an hour (yes, my neck was sitting on the salon sink for one hour) then they deep conditioned and blow dried. This whole process took 5 HOURS! And it cost me almost $300. I was pretty happy with the way it turned out. The consistency of my hair was not at all soft though. It was very coarse feeling. Every time I brushed it my hair was breaking off. I decided to buy Mane N Tail Shampoo and Conditioner and deep condition my hair all of the time. This shampoo completely washed the blonde out my hair. I had turned into a strawberry blonde/redhead in less than a month. I didn't know any better at the time, but I could of just purchased a small bottle of toner at Sally's and put it in my hair for 10 dang minutes and I would of been platinum. But I acted on impulse and wanted the orange gone. I dyed my hair black. :( *Sigh* So I was blonde for one month only. I loved it for the short amount of time but having blonde hair anyway is probably too high maintenance for me. I would have to touch it up every couple of weeks.. and yuck. I absolutely dread dying my hair. It's such a chore to me. I'm really sad because at the time of my hair being blonde, my computer crashed and I lost all of my pictures.. and I had some pretty awesome pictures. :( I only have a few as a reminder.

Here is my hair in 12th grade. My hair was all the way down my back. When I put my head back, it would reach my bum. Gahh I miss it so much.

For Easter that same year, while I was at Church my hair caught on fire (I was holding a candle and when I turned my head it caught a bit of my hair and the hairspray in my hair probably ignited it. The priest put my hair out. How embarrassing. I went to the bathroom and cried because chunks of my hair was falling out.. it was all charred and smelled like burnt hair. ew. So I cut a lot off. It came to above my chest.

My graduation dinner

Then, I went black for the first time.

It was VERY black. Too black.

Then I started getting lots of highlights. In the 2nd picture I was messing around with red temporary dye.

More blonde

And dun dun dun.. Completely blonde!

I use to ALWAYS make this face. I think I got it from Christine Dolce. It was my GRR face. haha

I think all of the picture of my redhead/strawberry blonde stage got lost. :(

But here is me fooling around with Red Temporary color!! hahah!

Yes, yes. I know, I'm so hardcore.

Then, I dyed my hair black again and added in some Sally's Satin Strand Extensions.

After that, pretty much I kept up with the black/dark brown hair and extensions. Then, for one year I didn't do any coloring.. until I got some highlights last March.


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