Monday, January 25, 2010

Waiting for the perfect man? Mr Second Best is better than Mr Nobody... and I should know!

Mr Second Best: By holding out for a romantic ideal after the age of 30, girls are throwing away their chances of a secure and fulfilling family life

Single, over 30, longing for a baby? A new book says stop waiting for the perfect man and marry the first half-decent one who'll have you. Too right! says CHARLOTTE METCALF.

One of my best single friends is witty, clever, rich, successful and bears more than a passing resemblance to Pamela Anderson.

Men tend to wilt in her presence or behave with inappropriate rashness. The world is her oyster - and yet what she wants more than anything is a baby.

Currently, she is trying to conceive with donor sperm. When I went to see her recently, she introduced me to her friend, Alana, who - as a single woman - was thinking of going down the same route, but dithering. Alana knew I'd had a baby late in life and, since she was hitting 40, was eager to meet me.

When she found out I was living with my baby's father, she looked miserable for a minute before saying, with admirable honesty: 'Oh, so you're OK then. I'm not sure if I can bear to do it alone.

'Ever since I was little I've dreamed of a happy marriage and a family. Facing up to having a child alone kills that dream, and I think I'm still mourning it.'

I thought of Alana when I read the vituperative, enraged reactions to Lori Gottlieb's new book, Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr Good Enough, which is published in Britain next week.

source: dailymail


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