Monday, January 11, 2010

Meet the man who became a kidney donor at 73 to save the life of his nephew


Close bond: Patrick Graham with his nephew Richard Foley, who is now back to health thanks to his uncle's kidney

When, two years ago, Patrick Graham heard that his nephew Richard Foley was in desperate need of a kidney transplant, he wasted no time in contacting the transplant co-ordinator at the Western Infirmary near his home in Glasgow to discuss his wish to donate a kidney.

To become a live donor is a selfless decision for anyone to make. However, Patrick was slightly more unusual - he was 73 at the time, and his bravery and generosity has made him Scotland's oldest kidney donor.

A semi-retired builder, Patrick turned out to be the ideal donor for Richard. Not only was he a perfect match, he was also, despite his advancing years, extremely fit and healthy.

'I certainly don't feel like an old man,' he says, 'but then I've led a healthy and very physical life as a builder. I've never been idle since I started work at 15.

'When I volunteered to be a donor, the risks were spelled out to me. I could die from blood clots, infection, the general anaesthetic. But I insisted, "If I've got two good kidneys, Richard gets one!"'

Patrick says they are a close family, and although his 72-year-old wife Jean and their five grown-up children were worried for him, they understood.

source: dailymail


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