Saturday, January 9, 2010

Beauty Blogger Award :)

Thank you rayqueenbee and Lexi for giving me the Beauty Blogger Award!

1.Thank the person who gave you the award
2. Paste the award on your blog
3. Link the person who nominated you for the award
4. Tell 7 interesting things about yourself
5. Nominate 7 bloggers or less
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominated

Okay, so 7 interesting things about myself. These are probably not interesting but I'm trying to think of things that I haven't already told you guys in previous tags.

1) I have a little case of road rage. I do NOT like getting honked at, I will follow you and scream at you. lol And, I do not like being passed when I'm going the speed limit or 5-7 miles over the speed limit (5-7 because I never speed) The only necessary time to honk at me is if I'm at a red light and it turns green and I didn't go. Then, I'll politely wave and thank you. :)
2) In the workplace, I have ALL of the patience in the world. I can be in tough situations and deal with customer service without getting upset. I've gotten lots of compliments for it. But outside the workplace, I don't have much patience.. unless I have nothing to do and no where to be.
3) I don't like candy. Chocolate only, baby.
4) I don't like lemon lime drinks or carbonated fruity drinks.. such as grape soda.
5) My favorite show ever is Iron Chef America. I don't know why. I think its my food addiction.
6) I love to roller blade and ice skate. It reminds me of my childhood.
7) I have never been to a club. I never have been in the club, bar scene. I have been to some bars.. but definately not a party girl.

Now, I tag:
Lizzard, J-ezzy, Amira, Kate Gene, GiGi, Clara, Aleksis
(You don't have to do this tag if you don't want to) :)

btw, I have so many tags.. I will do them all when I have extra time!

Good night loves!


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