Wednesday, September 16, 2009

SNSD’s Jessica Groped?!

Now wait! Before you all start picking up your pitchforks and lighting your torches, hold off just for a sec on the Kpop fandom revolution.

I'm sure we all know that SNSD's ever so fine lady, Jessica, had recently made a cameo appearance in Super Junior M's Super Girl music video. Well, sharp-eyed fans are at it again and have noticed that Jessica gets groped by one of the other girls at the house party. Jessica trots away from two very lovely looking ladies, and one of them seems to cop a feel right before Jessica goes over to shimmy with Han Geng.

Some people think that this is a total figment of imagination while others are insisting otherwise. And even if she wasn't, why is her hand so dangerously close to Jessica's lovely hills? Why is the other girl holding Jessica's wrist? And why is that red balloon causing pain to her right eye?! Perhaps this will be one of those many great mysteries like the Bermuda Triangle or Stonehenge. Whether the culprit did it or not and whether there is some kinky play afoot is up to you to judge and decide!

You can also pause at around 3:02 in the music video to see it happen!

source: allkpop


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