Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Secret of Kang Hye Jung’s Body Shape

Actor and soon-to-be bride Kang Hye Jung appeared on the 18th's broadcast of MBC Section TV: Entertainment News and humored many with her skilled tongue.

The interviewer asked Kang Hye Jung how she maintained her body shape, referring to stillshots of her new movie "Girlfriends," which revealed her nice build. She answered by saying, "I get photoshop," and earned some laughter for her awkward answer.

Also during the interview, Kang Hye Jung's castmate in the movie, Han Chae Young, talked about how Kang Hye Jung's face lights up with happiness whenever she talks about her husband-to-be, Tablo. She mentioned how Kang Hye Jung always says that Tablo "is handsome," "has a nice body," and "is good at rapping."

5 weeks into her pregnancy and her body shows almost no signs... is this the magic of entertainment business?



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