Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lin Ping weight 8.02kg, length 69 cm,15 teeth

September 15, 2009

2 days ago Lin Ping has been tried to crawl, she has more interested surroundings by crawls all around the cage. When Lin Hui was sleeping Lin Ping can crawls and play far from her mother but if Lin Hui wake up she would not let her baby go far from her.

Today, Lin Ping weight 8.02kg (increase from September 12th 2009 260g) length 69 cm and she has 15 teeth. Lin Ping loves to bite the bed rim lately. Today, we were test balance ability and found that Lin Ping can sit on a rocking horse by herself for 5 second. Because of a rocking horse made from plastic and it slip so Lin Ping can sit on a rocking horse just for a short time. Hearing ability test, when we called Lin Ping she will shake her ears and today we used a toy which has a sound and light and move and that make Lin Ping a little bit scared, smell ability test we were give a hand and let her sniff out on a hand and then pull it back, she looked at a hand and walk into it.

We will check Lin Ping health again September 18th 2009



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