Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jordin Sparks Writes A Letter to the Wonder Girls

When Wonder Girls toured with the Jonas Brothers, they were not the only ones on the road with the boys. American Idol winner Jordin Sparks was another member of the tour and many of us have seen the video of the popular singer learning the Nobody dance from the Wonder Girls.

Here's the video for those of you who missed it!

We can see how much Jordin likes them just in that video, but her love for the fivesome doesn't stop there.

Recently, it was revealed Jordin wrote a letter to the girls. I'm guessing it was around the time the tour ended and they had to say goodbye.

The letter really shows how sweet Jordin is and how well the Wonder Girls and Jordin got along during the tour since they were the only girl performers in the act.

Hopefully Jordin is right; let's all wish that the Wonder Girls take America by storm!



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