Saturday, September 12, 2009

10 Beauty Myths Exposed

Think you have what it takes to look great? Think again. We've separated fact from fiction and offer beauty tips that both men and women can use


Myth: The higher the SPF rating, the better

Fact: Although a sunscreen with a high SPF rating will give you a higher level of protection, the American Cancer Society warns that the differences in protection between an SPF 30 and an SPF 50 are minimal. Instead of focusing on the SPF level, combat harmful rays by applying a generous amount of sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) and apply it at least every two hours.


Myth: Waxing is better than plucking

Fact: Despite rampant myths that suggest one is better than the other, both waxing and plucking eyebrows are virtually harmless. In fact, the only difference between the two is that plucking removes an individual hair, which is more time consuming than waxing. However, plucking in large areas (such as the bikini line) could cause ingrown hairs or scarring.


Myth: Toothpaste clears acne

Fact: This product is for dental purposes only. warns that putting toothpaste on your skin will dry and irritate it. The best way to avoid acne is to keep your face clean. Speak to a health care provider if you think you may need medication.


Myth: Shaving makes hair grow in thicker

Fact: Contrary to popular believe, shaving does not cause hair follicles to grow in thicker, according to Dr. Lawrence E. Gibson, a dermatologist from the Mayo Clinic.


Myth: Moisturizer isn't for everyone

Fact: Dermatologists agree that everyone should moisturize their skin twice a day. Many people with oily skin think they can skip the moisturizing step in their skin care regimen, but moisturizer plays a critical role in hydrating all skin types. The key is to pick a lotion that suits you. recommends that people with oily skin choose a water-based moisturizer, as opposed to an oil-based one.


Myth: Lemon juice lightens hair

Fact: This do-it-yourself method is not a mere myth -- when combined with sun exposure, lemon juice does lighten the hair, but it can also dry and damage it. As with any DIY product, use with caution, or speak to a professional hair stylist for optimal results.


Myth: Coffee is bad for you

Fact: Despite its negative reputation, there isn’t substantial evidence that proves coffee is bad for your health. In fact, studies show that drinking coffee in moderation may have some health benefits. However, Mayo Clinic nutritionist Katherine Zeratsky warns that while two to three cups of coffee is fine, drinking four or five cups may leave you feeling dizzy and anxious


Myth: Chocolate causes acne

Fact: Some foods like French fries and chocolate can make acne worse for some people, but it is not actually the cause of those scary blemishes, said’s Dr. Richard Thomas. So unless you’re in the midst of a breakout, feel free to get your chocolate fix.


Only fat people get cellulite

Fact: Just because you have cellulite doesn’t mean you are fat. Just because you are eating well and working out, doesn’t mean you are immune from the much-hated “cottage cheese thigh.” Cellulite occurs when fat deposits distort the connective tissue underneath the skin, which makes the outer layer of the skin change in appearance. Gender, age, the amount and/or distribution of body fat, age, heredity and lifestyle can all play a part in whether you develop cellulite.


Myth: Tanning beds are safer than natural sunlight

Fact: Both tanning beds and natural sunlight emit ultraviolet rays, increasing your risk of skin cancer and premature aging. In fact, tanning beds are more dangerous than natural sunlight because they primarily emit UVA rays, which could increase your risk of developing melanoma, a type of skin cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic.

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