Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tiger Woods' wife is to 'end marriage after Christmas': How giving up golf may have been too little, too late for humiliated Elin

Tiger Woods' wife is to end their marriage and return to Sweden, it was reported today. Elin Nordegren is said to be in talks with divorce lawyers, but will only launch legal proceedings after Christmas for the sake of their two children.

The latest blow to the scandal-hit golfer emerged as one of his alleged mistresses claimed they had sex on the night his beloved father died.

And yesterday Woods’ main sponsor Gillette said it would be ‘limiting’ the role of the world’s richest sportsman.
The No1 golfer, who on Friday finally admitted he had been unfaithful to his wife, faces claims he has slept with at least 11 other women during their five-year marriage.
In the statement on Friday night he said he was taking an indefinite break from golf to focus on his marriage.
But his sacrifice may be too little, too late.

Elin, 29, is said is said to be furious about the revelations and reportedly told him: ‘Don't talk to me, speak to your therapist! I don't want to see you!’
She now wants to spend Christmas in Sweden with Woods, 33, their two-year-old daughter Sam and 10-month-old son Charlie, it is claimed.

They will undergo a trial separation in the New Year, the News of the World reported.
‘Elin will pretend it's the usual family celebration for the children and then ditch the man,’ a source told the Sunday newspaper.
‘In the short-term they'll act like any other loving couple. Elin won't break it all up right away.
‘But she does need some time alone to herself and a legal separation will happen very quickly.’
Although, the couple plan to spend Christmas together, Elin is said to have moved herself and the children out of the marital home to a separate house 200 yards down the road in Windermere, Florida.
On Friday photographs emerged showing a removal truck leaving the marital home packed with five or six large boxes.
Later will apparently come the big move across the world - to the new Faglaro mansion she's bought on an island near Stockholm.
Elin's reported plans emerged while the News of the World also claimed that shamed Woods argued with his Swedish mother-in-law just minutes before she collapsed and was dramatically rushed into hospital last week.
It has also been reported by the same paper that Woods is still in touch with his most recent mistress Rachel Uchitel.
She is the VIP party hostess who allegedly sparked the domestic row two weeks that led to Woods crashing his car - flushing the whole scandal out into the open.
Despite Rachel clinching £1,350,000 hush money from Tiger not to talk to the media, she allegedly told a close friend how the billion-dollar sportsman had promised he'd leave his wife for her.
Another alleged mistress, Jamie Jungers, told the News of the World that they had sex hours before he learned his father had died of cancer.
She claimed they were still in bed when Woods received the phone call telling him his father had passed away at the age of 74 in May, 2006.

Deceased Earl had been described by Woods as ‘my best friend’.
On Friday night Woods admitted he was a love cheat as he announced he was taking an 'indefinite break' from golf.
Speculation over Tiger's private life began after a bizarre car crash outside his house a fortnight ago.
The golfer was left unconscious and bleeding following the crash in which he hit a fire hydrant and a neighbour's tree following a reported 2am argument with Elin, a former Swedish model.
There has been no shortage of drama at the Woods house.
Tiger's mother-in-law Barbro Holmberg was then rushed to hospital last week after a reported anxiety attack following an argument with the sportsman over his alleged affairs.
Tiger and Elin, who were introduced by Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik at the Open Championship in 2001, married in Barbados in October 2004.



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