Saturday, December 26, 2009

Is that the Queen in Tesco? (... and on the Number 22 bus)

By Alison Jackson

Left: Love these things - it's so nice to see a friendly face. Mine! Right: When they said put the old bag out, I thought they meant Camilla

The Queen began her Christmas break at Sandringham last week by taking the public commuter train up to Norfolk - First Class, of course.

But as we're normally used to seeing her only on official visits, the Mail wondered if this was the first time Her Majesty has consorted with us commoners.
So, with a little help from spoof celebrity snapper Alison Jackson and a lookalike, we decided to imagine the 'everyday' life of Elizabeth II . . .

Left: Love these things - it's so nice to see a friendly face. Mine! Right: When they said put the old bag out, I thought they meant Camilla

Just what does one do with an Oyster Card - eat it?

There were more of these when one's sister was around

Greasy spoon? I'm more used to a silver spoon, thank you, but it's a good place to pick up a few tips.

The real Queen: Her Majesty took the public commuter train up to Norfolk last week

source: dailymail


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