Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rough Skin Tips

How to Deal with Rough Skin

acnecareEveryone wants to have a smooth and a soft skin, not one that is hard, rough and dry. However, to attain perfect skin, you needproper skin care. In addition, every individual has different skin type as some people’s skin is naturally soft while others are not so fortunate and have dry, rough and scaly skin.

There are various factors that can lead to rough anddry skin. These include dry environmental conditions, low humidity, improper diet and dehydration. Usually, rough skin is found on heels and elbows. This article will provide some tips on ways you can effectively deal with rough skin.

To begin with, protect your skin from environmental conditions. Do not expose your skin to either direct sunlight or to harsh cold winds. Also, avoid use of heaters as they can sap away the moisture from your skin, making it dry and rough. If you are using heaters, then you must use a humidifier.

Have a well balanced diet as the health of your skin is largely dependent on what you eat. If you have dry and rough skin, then it is imperative to have plenty of water so that you keep your skin well hydrated.

Moisturizing your skin daily can help in making it naturally soft and supple. Similarly, if you suffer from rough heels and elbows, then you should take special care of such regions.

Soak your heels in warm water as that will help. Similarly, apply moisturizing lotion on your skin to overcome dryness and roughness. Cocoa butter, petroleum gel and coconut oil are extremely beneficial.

You should apply cream on dry and rough parts of your skin at night, especially your heel and elbows, and then cover the region with socks. Your skin will feel smoother and softer in the morning.

Thus follow the above given tips to effectively deal with rough and dry skin.


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