Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sensitive Skin Care

Sensitive Skin

Many people in this world have sensitive skin and find it very impossible to use any kind of body creams or cosmetics due to the fear of getting some or the other skin problems. Sensitive skin reacts very quickly to cold and heat. Hence taking care of skin in winter and summer is the most important thing. Being sensitive, the skin is very delicate and thin and thus reacts to the temperature changes, cosmetics, detergents and alcohol based products. When such skin comes in contact with alcohol based products it becomes red and starts itching.

If you have sensitive skin then make sure that you use products, which doesn’t contain harsh and allergy causing chemicals. Applying sunscreen lotions and creams will also be good to prevent skin from the ultraviolet rays. Use mild soaps for washing your face and pat the skin dry with soft towel. Whenever you purchase any new makeup product r beauty creams make sure to try them first on your wrist. If after 24 hours of applying the cream on your wrist, there is no side effect on your wrist then you can safely use that product.

There are certain essential oils for sensitive skin like Lavender, Rose, Sandalwood, Neroli, and Chamomile. You should choose cosmetics and beauty products that include any of these essential oils. In sensitive skin too some people have too sensitive skin, for them only natural skincare products are good. If any of the products is causing you skin irritation then stop using it and keep your skin as much makeup free as possible. Make sure to moisturize your skin well before going to bed in the nighttime.

If you have tried almost all the brands of products available in the market and still not found the one that doesn't react with your skin then fault is not yours. Most of the manufacturers produce the makeup products and beauty creams using the same ingredients for all kinds of skin type. They just give different labels on the product like for dry skin, for sensitive skin, etc. These companies make makeup products and beauty products and keep their prices very high, as they know that people will pay any price to look good.

Many of the skincare products contain chemicals; prolonged use of it can cause severe skin troubles. Not only this but there are severe risk to your health also like cancers and other disorders. Hence make sure that you buy those products, which are used natural ingredients and essential oils mentioned above. The herbs like comfrey and bearberry are very effective in the treatment for sensitive skin. These herbs repair the skin tissues and prevent the skin from harsh weather condition.

Along with applying the natural skincare products for sensitive skin, you should also eat good nutritious food including vegetables and fruits. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as they cause harm to your skin also. Drinking plenty of water will prevent the loss of moisture from your skin and thus reduce your chances of getting acne and other skin problems.


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