Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Normal Skin Care

Normal Skin

Some women are born beautiful and some try hard to look beautiful with the help of makeup. So much of time, energy and most important money they spend on buying cosmetics, applying cosmetics just to look best. But the most important question that arises here is can these cosmetics give you beautiful skin too? There are various skin types, like oily skin, normal skin and combination skin. Out of this normal skin is supposed to be the best one, as it is easy to maintain this kind of skin.

If you have got normal skin, then you are really lucky and you should appreciate what you have got. Along with it you should take care that your skin remains the same no matter how old you become. You have a problem free skin and thus to keep it in well texture you can try out some face packs that you can easily make at home. These face packs are made from various vegetables and fruits. Apply fresh tomato juice on your face and massage gently for some time. Keep it on your face for about five minutes and wash it off. You can do the same thing with the orange juice.

To take care of normal skin, you can also apply the peel of papaya on your face. This will make your skin glowing. Make sure that you use fresh papaya peel for applying on your face. You can also store papaya pieces in your refrigerator and use it everyday to clean your face. You can also give the relaxing feeling to your skin by applying carrot juice on it. Allow the juice to dry on your face and then wash it off. If you are above the age of thirty then you might have started showing the aging signs. You can prevent the winkles and fine lines form showing by applying cabbage juice on your face. Do gentle massage and keep it applied to your face for about five minutes. Wash your face with cold water and dry it up.

You can eat an apple a day to keep the wrinkles and fine lines at a bay, as eatng apples make the aging process slow. You can also rub your face with the apple peel to clean your face. As you know that the pollution levels are very high it becomes rather an impossible task to get a clean and clear skin. Also there is so much stress due to the hectic work schedule that you don’t get time to relax and help your skin relax too. These two things are mainly responsible for taking the glow away from a normal skin. You will need to choose natural products while purchasing the skin care products.

The natural products are very effective and are not costly too. You will not have to worry about any kind of side effects. You should choose the products that are made for normal skin care. Your lifestyle should also be needed to mold so that there is no stress and you get proper time to relax. Your diet should include fruits and vegetables. Drinking plenty of water is also good way to clean your system and have clear skin.


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