Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So, I bet you've been wondering where I've been..

Hey Everyone!
So I've been MIA for a while.. Nothing major going on in my life right now but, I rarely get computer time anymore. For the past month, I've been spending lots of time with George's mom. And, when I'm not with her, I'm either with George or spending time with my best friend.. which I rarely get to do because of our conflicting schedules and the hour drive. I don't own my own computer (with exception of my computer at the office) so, I don't often get chances to spend time on the computer. Also, I let one of my besties borrow my camera on her b-day (March 31st) and I haven't really seen her since, so I still don't have a camera. That's one big reason I haven't posted.. I have had tons of things I've wanted to post, but without a camera.. I'm kind of stuck. Everything has been fine with me and hopefully I'll be able to be make more frequent posts and devote more time to posting and getting back to your messages. Thanks so much for leaving me messages and emails ;) And checking up on my blog for new posts. You guys are the best!

Anyways, I haven't been up on what's new lately.. Anything interesting news to share?!!?


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