Friday, May 27, 2011

Advice from Wayne Goss on how to make your make-up last!

In this short video, Wayne talks about a big mistake many of us do when we apply our makeup. We combine two things that don't mix. Water and oil. For example, an oil based primer with a water based foundation. It sounds like a good idea - but water and oil don't mix, right? Maybe your foundation has too much "slip" to it, and transfers too much throughout the day. Is it really your foundation to blame? Or is it your moisturizer, primer? Well, it's something we all know from Science 101, but I never thought about applying that knowledge to makeup. 

I thought this vid was really interesting and it made me wonder. 

What do you think? Do you think it makes any difference? Agree/Disagree? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!


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