Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Small Rant.. (with a review to follow!)

Hey Guys!!

I've finally gotten myself adjusted from my long vacation! In Vegas, I was very use to going to sleep early morning and waking up mid-afternoon. So, it got my sleep schedule all off track. Plus, there is a two hour time difference.. so that made a difference as well. I'm not all that ecstatic about Chicago's weather lately. It has been SO incredibly humid outside every day that when it's 85 degrees, it feels like 120. Yuck! The day I arrived in Vegas, it was 109 degrees and it didn't feel as hot as it feels in Chicago. No humidity.. just crisp heat. And, the 10 day forecast for Chicago is.. rain every day! BRILLIANT! Alright, I'll stop ranting about my frustration for gross weather. Is anyone sharing this frustration? I mean, summer goes SO quick in Chicago and then it's snowing again. How can you enjoy your summer if you can't even bare to be outdoors? Don't disappoint me Chicago!!! Bring me nice weather in August! I'll stay hopeful..

The Magnificent Mile.

Navy Pier. Where George & I shared one of our first very romantic dates :) *fuzzy thoughts*

Where are you from and what's the weather like??? Have you been enjoying your summer?


As for the review to follow, It will be for a few Covergirl products I've been loving. Stay tuned!


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