Monday, May 17, 2010

Commuters travel to work on the Tube NAKED to help boost company's bottom line

By Carol Driver

Baring all: Naked workers attract stares from other commuters as they travel on the London Underground

It was a cheeky and unexpected sight that greeted commuters as they boarded a Tube into work.

But the four naked men and women certainly livened up the usually dull journey for many people – attracting gasps from stunned workers.

Carrying handbags or briefcases to cover their modesty – and wearing shoes – the nudes travelled on escalators and rode in the carriages as though their lack of suitable attire was completely normal.

But, rather than trying to start a new trend on the London Underground, the group were promoting a TV series which sees staff at struggling businesses helping to turn their company around.

Steven Suphi, behaviour change specialist and leadership guru, believes stripping off in the office will help boost employees' confidence and develop trust.

She said: ‘For most people in the UK going to work in the nude is a very daunting prospect.

Cheeky: Two workers stroll hand-in-hand with only bags to cover their modesty

‘I believe this extreme process will help them push their boundaries and become a close team that trust each other enough to get naked together.’

The nudes were publicising tomorrow’s episode of the new six-part series The Naked Office being screened on Virgin 1 at 9pm.

source: dailymail


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