Monday, February 15, 2010

Taking six 15-minute walks a week 'could cut the pain and stiffness of arthritis'

By Fiona Macrae

New research: Short walks, combined with a nutritional supplement, could provide an easy way of relieving osteoarthritis

Two strolls and a shellfish supplement a day could cut the pain and stiffness of arthritis by half within six months, new research shows.

Although gentle exercise and glucosamine pills have both been shown to help with osteoarthritis before, the study is the first to measure their combined benefit.

The condition, in which the cartilage that protects the bone wears away, affects 8.5million Britons, making it by far the most common form of arthritis.

Treatment usually consists of a combination of powerful drugs, which can cause stomach and heart problems, as well as physiotherapy and in some cases, replacement of the affected knee, hip or other joint.

The latest research suggests that short walks, combined with an easy-to-buy nutritional supplement, could provide a cheap and easy way of relieving pain and improving mobility.

The Australian researchers tracked the health and mobility of 46 men and women with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee and who had trouble getting around.

All were asked to take glucosamine, a chemical found in shellfish shells that has long been known to keep joints from deteriorating.

After six weeks, some were asked to factor strolls into their daily routine, gradually building up to two 15-minute walks a day, three times a week.

Others walked on more days or walked further, the journal Arthritis Research and Therapy reports.

After six weeks of walking and taking the supplements, pain and stiffness had fallen by 13 per cent.

The men and women, who were aged between 42 and 73, also felt less depressed and anxious.

They were then asked start taking regular exercise on top of the supplement.

By the end of six months some patients reported that both their levels of pain and stiffness had halved.

Walking three days a week was just as good as walking for five - perhaps because many of those taking part struggled to exercise any more than three times a week.

And walking for half an hour, or 3,000 steps a day, was almost as beneficial as walking much further.

The researchers, from Australia's Queensland University, said: 'There is no known cure for osteoarthritis. The goal of treatment, therefore, is to help reduce patients' pain, prevent reductions in their mobility and maintain or increase their joint mobility.

'Although some individuals with osteoarthritis are using both glucosamine and exercise to relieve symptoms, no study has examined the effectiveness of the combined effects on relieving symptoms.

'Although this study included a small sample, the findings provide preliminary evidence that osteoarthritis sufferers can obtain health-related benefits from the combination of glucosamine and walking.

'Walking 3,000 steps per day for exercise, in bouts of at least 1,500 steps each, on at least three days per week provided these benefits.

'This amount of walking is less than the current physical activity recommendations for the current population but follows the recommendations for people with arthritis.'

Jane Spence, of charity Arthritis Care, said: 'Maintaining a healthy weight and taking the right mix of exercise and rest as advised by your health professional is key for people with osteoarthritis.

'Appropriate daily exercise increases overall wellbeing, helps mobility, and even zaps depression by releasing endorphins - the body’s "natural painkillers" - into the bloodstream.'

source: dailymail


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