Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dolphins could hold the key to curing diabetes (because they can switch condition on and off)

By David Derbyshire

Diabetes appears to have evolved in dolphins as a useful way of coping with food shortages

Dolphins could hold the key to curing most diabetes, scientists say.

Researchers have discovered that the friendly sea mammals have a form of adult onset diabetes, but have the ability to turn the condition on and off.

The discovery opens the door to revolutionary new treatments for the disease in humans, and possibly even a cure.

Yesterday scientists described the findings as exciting, but stressed they had no plans to use live dolphins in medical experiments. Instead, DNA samples would be taken from routine blood tests already carried out on dolphins in captivity.

Around 2.6million people in the UK suffer from diabetes, the vast majority affected by type 2 which usually strikes in middle and old age.

The disease occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin - the hormone that regulates blood sugar - or when its insulin does not work properly.

In humans, diabetes can trigger major health problems including heart disease.
But in bottlenose dolphins, the condition appears to have evolved as a useful way of coping with food shortages.

There continues to be controversy surrounding keeping dolphins in captivity

When they are fasting, they make themselves-insulin resistant. Glucose is not removed from the blood and their brains continue to be supplied with vital energy.

When food is available, they switch off their insulin resistance and blood sugar levels are controlled again.

Dr Stephanie Venn-Watson of National Marine Mammal Association in San Diego, California, believes diabetes may have evolved in our prehistoric ancestors to cope with famines in a similar way, but the switch has been lost over the millennia.

Understanding how the switch works and learning to control it could be the solution to type 2 diabetes.

Dr Venn-Watson made it clear her team would never carry out experiments that caused dolphins any harm or suffering and that DNA samples would be taken from blood tests already performed on captive animals. The DNA would then be compared with human DNA.

'No one has any desire that I'm aware of to make a dolphin a lab animal,' she said.

However animal welfare campaigners said dolphins should not be used for medical research - and that even keeping them in captivity was cruel.

A spokesman for the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society said: 'Dolphins are intelligent and sophisticated animals which are vulnerable to stress and suffering when confined and removed from their natural environment and societies.'

source: dailymail


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