Thursday, June 30, 2011

NOTD: Essie Beach Party!

Two (2) Coats of Essie Beach Party & One (1) Coat of Seche Vite Top Coat

I swear, it's a total coincidence that my last three NOTD's have been Essie polishes - not to mention pink polishes. I guess I've been on a pink "kick" lately. I received this polish in a swap last week and it's my first day testing it out!

I couldn't find much info on this polish, but NO WONDER! It's from Essie's 2004 "A New Summertime" Collection. So yes, this particular shade is 7 years old. Whatever. It still applies good and it's pretty! 

Essie Beach Party is a light, neutral, cotton candy pink. It's a bit of a nude pink, as it has a hint of beige. There are some complaints that the formula applies streaky, but I didn't have a big problem. It applied streaky with the first coat, and then evened out nicely with the second coat. I didn't apply a third, but depending on your preference, there is room for one more coat. 

I love this polish, I think the color is very flattering on my hands. 

What's on your nails?


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