Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A few pics from over the weekend with me & my best friend..

I got to see my best friend for many years a couple of times this week.. which was awesome because she lives like an hour away.. and we sometimes have conflicting schedules that can make it difficult to see each other at times. She is the one person that can change my mood instantly when I'm feeling down and she knows me better than anyone else. I started to think last week how different life would be if I didn't have her as my best friend.. I do believe in soul mates and I don't believe it has to restricted to your significant other. I believe a soul mate is someone that was written in the book of your life before you were born that you were meant to meet so that you will have someone that will always understand you, stand by you through everything and will feel your pain just as you do. Someone that you have a bond with deeper than the heart, because the heart is often unsure of it's feelings.. but a bond of the soul. I have no doubt in my mind that she is a soul mate of mine.

These pictures make me laugh :)


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