Tuesday, November 10, 2009

AM Rule Refresher: Keep Your Relationship Exciting

By Andrew Moore

OK, boyfriends of the world, repeat after us: Routine is the enemy.

Routine is the No. 1 cause of relationship death. Once boyfriends get comfortable, it’s not long before they get lazy; and as soon as they get lazy, they get dumped. If you have a girlfriend and you want to keep her long-term, you have to keep your relationship exciting. Relationship ruts need to be avoided at all costs. Routine, laziness and boredom must be combated at every opportunity.

Have you ever wondered why women cheat, or why it is that they terminate long-term relationships in favor of a new crush or the lures of single life? It’s because of fatigue. It’s because their boyfriends cease to excite and interest them. With that in mind, we’ve surveyed the contents of AM’s Guys Guide to Romance to find a few tips to help you keep your relationship exciting.

Buy better gifts
Here’s a simple tip to help you keep your relationship exciting: Avoid buying the same gift all the time. Just because she likes a certain kind of chocolate doesn’t mean she wants it as a gift five times a year. Gift-giving occasions -- like her birthday or your anniversary -- are opportunities for you to show her how much you care for her and also how imaginative, creative and thoughtful you are. So, put some thought into the gifts you give her. Try keeping a running list of the things she mentions so that when a gift-buying opportunity comes up you already have some ideas to work with.

Work out together
It’s an awkward truth, but after spending large amounts of time together, sexual attraction may start to wane. Moreover, as the two of you get increasingly comfortable in your relationship, you may start to let your bodies go a little bit.

In order to keep your relationship exciting you need to combat lethargy and laziness. That’s why working out together is a great way to keep your relationship exciting. Working out together keeps everyone feeling good about themselves and will ensure that the two of you will remain enthralled by one another. Couples who work out together stay together.

OK, we know this might sound a bit girlie at first, but stay with us. Redecorating your home is a great way to keep things feeling fresh in your relationship. On the one hand, undertaking a project together gives your relationship a sense of momentum. On the other hand, simply changing the look of your surroundings can help you fight the complacency and stagnancy that poisons relationships. Redecorating gives the two of you a sense of mutual purpose; it’s also a way of using your living space to battle relationship boredom.

Get away
Sometimes the simplest solution is the best. And in that sense, a romantic getaway is one of the best ways to keep your relationship exciting. The cares of day-to-day life can often take a toll on your relationship. When you get away -- even for a few days -- the two of you can leave work, household chores and all of life’s mundane details behind. You don’t have to kill yourself trying to find the most adorable bed and breakfast in the most romantic little town in human history. Just plan a weekend getaway. You make plans together, or make them yourself and surprise her. Hit the road and recharge your batteries. Your relationship will benefit from a few days of solid quality time. Just make sure you’re not taking the same vacation over and over again. Mix it up to keep things exciting.

Pick up a new hobby
The best relationships are based on mutual improvement. You want to be with a woman who helps you become the best possible version of yourself, and she wants the same. Women want men who will introduce them to new things, expand their horizons and improve their lives. So, show her you can be this kind of man by taking up a new hobby with her. Take a karate class or a dance lesson, learn how to kayak or cook. Picking up a new hobby is yet another way to keep your relationship exciting.

make it work
You don’t have to do anything wild or crazy to keep your relationship exciting. Not every woman is looking for a daredevil or an adrenaline junkie. In fact, after awhile, that routine gets as tiresome as any other. The key is simply incorporating a little spontaneity into your relationship. For more detailed advice on how to add excitement to any relationship, pick up a copy of AskMen.com's


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